Congratulations on signing up with Cojilio! Before you launch your company, make sure you have followed these steps and have successfully completed your setup.
1) Have you setup your company information?
Company name, time zone, currency, logo, and booking optimizations – This is done in your Cojilio Online Portal.
How to: To set your Basic Company Information
Login to your Online Portal
- Go to Settings > Company in the side menu
- Set your Company Name
- Set your Time Zone
- Set your Currency
- Set your Currency Symbol
- Upload your Company Logo (this logo will display on your Online Booking Portal)
- Enter your Tax Amount (if you don't charge tax, leave it at $0.00)
- Set your Multi-Quote Limit. This is how many services your clients are able to book at one time
How to: To set your Company Booking Preferences
- Set your Availability Size: This is how often your Appointment Start Times are offered
- For example: Availability Size of 15 minutes = Start Times 1:00pm, 1:15pm, 1:30pm, 1:45pm, etc.
- Set your Max Lead Time: This is how far in advance your clients are able to book
- Turn on Basic Booking Optimization if you would like appointment start times to display every 5, 10 or 15 minutes.
- For example:
- Basic Booking OFF, for a 1 hour service: Start Times 1:00pm, 2:00pm, 3:00pm, 4:00pm, etc.
- Basic Booking ON, for a 1 hour service: Start Times 1:00pm, 1:15pm, 1:30pm, 1:45pm, etc.
- For example:
- Turn on Sticky Booking Optimization if you want your clients to only be able to book appointments that are directly before or after your current appointments
- For example:
- Sticky Booking OFF, with a 2-3pm existing appointment that day:
- Start Times 8:00am, 10:15am,11:30am,1:15pm, 5:45pm, etc.
- Sticky Booking ON, with a 2-3 pm existing appointment that day:
- Start Times 1:45pm & 3:00pm
- Sticky Booking OFF, with a 2-3pm existing appointment that day:
- For example:
2) Have you connected your Payment Provider?
Connect your Clover, Stripe or PayPal Provider. This is done in your Cojilio Online Portal.
How to: Set your Clover Account
Login to your Online Portal
- Go to Settings > Payment in the side menu
- The Clover Provider Setup will be at the top of the Connections List
- Click Already a Clover User if you already have a Clover Account
- Click Get Started with Clover if you do not have a Clover Account
Already a Clover User will launch the Cojilio Booking App on the Clover App Market Portal:
- Click Connect
- Click Accept
- Cojilio will now appear in your Clover Dashboard Side Menu
- Click on Cojilio Booking Platform in your left side menu to complete the connection
- The Cojilio Online Portal login will appear
- Login to complete the connection
How to: Activate Clover
- Go to Settings > Payment in the side menu
- Click ENABLE
- Once it is activated, the payment gateway will be enabled. Clover is now connected to Cojilio
How to: Connect your Stripe Account
Login to your Online Portal
- Go to Settings > Payment in the side menu
- Select Already a Stripe User if you have a Stripe Account already
- Select New to Stripe if you do not have a Stripe Account
How to: Connect your PayPal Account
Login to your Online Portal
- Go to Settings > Payment in the side menu
- Enter your PayPal Secret Key and Publishable Key
- Click Enable
- Your secret and publishable key will look like this. Please ensure your PayPal apps are set to LIVE, not Sandbox, before you copy them. If you are in Sandbox, your PayPal will not connect to your account.
To retrieve your Secret Key and Publishable Key from PayPal, check out this Help Guide.
3) Have you set your Location Open / Close Hours?
Set your Hours of Operation – This is what clients see in your Online Booking Link.
Login to your Online Portal
- Click Location in the side menu
- Click the Location you want to set the open/ close hours for
- Scroll down to the Hours of Operation section
- Select which day you want to set the location hours open/ close
- Toggle the Open/Closed button for which days to keep open, and which to close
- You can also edit the hours from when you are open to when you are closed
- Click Update once the location hours are set
- A green Success banner will appear - this provides confirmation your changes were saved
4) Have you set your Staff Working Hours?
A staff must have their Staff Working Hours set in order to assign them to a service and allow a customer to book with them. This is done in your Online Portal.
Login to your Online Portal
- Go to Staff in the side menu
- Select the User in your Staff List
- Scroll down to the User Working Hours section
- Switch the Available Switch to ON for their working days
- Set the From time to their Start Time
- Set the To time to their End Time
- Click Update to save their working hours.
If the user is assigned to Multiple Locations, set their Working Hours at each Location.
Warning: If their Working Hours at multiple locations overlaps, clients will be able to book them at Location A at 1pm and Location B at 2pm on the same day.
5) Have you created your services?
Before you launch, ensure you’ve created all your services and have activated them.
Login to your Online Portal
- Go to Services in the side menu
- Click Add to create a service
Set Service Name, Category, Price and Assigned Locations (Required)
- Enter the Service Name (this is the service name that clients will see in your Online Booking and Booking App)
- Select the Assigned Locations (these are the Locations that offer this service. If a Location is not selected, clients will not be able to book this service at that location).
- Select or Add the Category that this service belongs in (Clients will view Categories before Services). Example: Category: Hair > Service: Haircut
Set Service Length, Padding Time & Loyalty Points
- Enter the Service Length in Hours and Minutes for this service. (Required)
- This is the Service Length that clients will see. Example: 1 hour 30 min service will display to clients as 1 hour 30 mins.
- Enter the Padding Time for this service. (Optional)
- Padding Time is additional time you require as a break after this service. Example: 10 minute padding time will leave a 10 minute break after this service before your next appointment.
- Enter the Points for this service. (Optional)
- This is how many Loyalty Points a client will receive once they complete this service. (For subscriptions with a Loyalty Program Only).
Deposit Required
- Turn ON Payment Required if a deposit is required in order to book this service
- Select Pay in full upon booking if you would like the full service amount charged upon booking
- If the service is $223, the client will be charged $223 upon booking
- Select Deposit Required if you would like a deposit to be charged upon booking
- If the service is $223, and the deposit is $25, the client will be charged $25 upon booking
- Toggle the $ radio button to set a Deposit amount in$ Dollars
- Toggle the %radio button for the Deposit to be a Percentage of the service price
- If the service is $150, and the Deposit %is set to 25%, the client will be charged $37.50 upon booking. (25% Deposit of $150 = $37.50)
Assign Staff to this service
- Click the Resources Tab
- You will see your Staff Members in the Staff Table, and they will all be default Unassigned to this service
- Toggle the switch ON to Assign a Staff Member to this service.
- Click Update to save these changes
- You will receive a Success Message and you will now be able to Activate this service by clicking the green Activate button.
- Once you click Activate, clients will be able to see this service and book this service Online and in the App.
- To Skip Staff Selection during booking, toggle the Hide Staff Selection list during booking switch to ON
- This will SKIP the "Choose Staff" step in the booking process. Clients will not select a staff member during booking. They will be directed from "Choose Service" to the "Choose Date & Time" step
Set a Cancellation Policy
- Go to the Cancellation Tab
- Set your Cancellation Policy Time-frame from the drop-down list of options
- Enter your Cancellation Policy Message for your clients to view and accept when booking
- Toggle ON Credit Card Required to set an amount to charge clients when they cancel
- Enter the Cancellation Charge Amount $
- Click Update to save your Cancellation Policy for this service
To turn on optional features, check out these Help Guides:
Consultation Required: In-App / In-Store
Set Pre-Requisites / Recurrence / Follow-Ups
Assign a Form or Aftercare Instructions
6) Have you imported your client list?
We typically recommend allowing customers to start “fresh” to have their most up-to-date phone number and email address on file. If you prefer to import your Client List, this is done in your Cojilio Online Portal.
Checklist for Client Import File
Login to your Online Portal
- Go to Customers in the side menu
- Click Import Client List.
- Click Upload New Clients.
- Upload a .csv customer list file
- Click Choose File if your client list is already formatted to the correct template and format
- Click View an Import List Spreadsheet Example if you need an example to ensure you have the correct template and format.
- Click Next
- It is best to only import customers that have a future appointment booked.
- We recommend to let all clients “register fresh” - if you import them, it will create their account for them.
- You'll want clients to register with their updated email & phone, and not import a client with an OLD email address that they don’t use anymore.
- If you clicked, View an Import List Spreadsheet Example, the following template and format will appear.
- Reading left to right, this is the specific order and exact naming of your Client List headings:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Country Code
- Phone
- Address
- Postal
- City
- Country
- Province
- Points
- Reading left to right, this is the specific order and exact naming of your Client List headings:
- The Client List Summary to be imported will appear, along with any Duplicates, Errors or Warnings.
- Errors and Duplicates will not be uploaded. Warnings (missing fields such as Address) will be uploaded.
- If any, click on the tab where you have Duplicates, Errors, or Warnings to resolve.
- In this example, there is 1 error: a blank extra row.
- Click Next once all Duplicates/ Errors/ Warnings are resolved.
- The Import Summary will display how many clients will be imported. In this example, 1 client will be imported.
- To invite imported clients to download your Cojilio App, click the checkbox below.
- Click Import once you are ready to proceed.
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