To ensure that appointments are booked in the correct timezone, and appointment notifications are sending to customers in the correct timezone, you need to ensure that your Location Timezone has been set correctly!
Login to your Online Portal
- Click Locations in the side menu
- Click on the location
- Under "Timezone", select your timezone
- Click Update to save your changes
Timezone Options:
- (UTC+08:00) Australian Western Standard Time
- (UTC+09:30) Australian Central Standard Time
- (UTC+10:00) Australian Eastern Standard Time
- (UTC+10:00) Chamorro Standard Time
- (UTC-03:30) Newfoundland
- (UTC-04:00) Atlantic Time (US & Canada) with Daylight Savings Time
- (UTC-04:00) Atlantic Time (US & Canada) without Daylight Savings Time
- (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) with Daylight Savings Time
- (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) without Daylight Savings Time
- (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada) with Daylight Savings Time
- (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada) without Daylight Savings Time
- (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada) with Daylight Savings Time
- (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada) without Daylight Savings Time
- (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) with Daylight Savings Time
- (UTC-09:00) Alaska Standard Time
- (UTC-10:00) Hawaii
- (UTC-11:00) Samoa Standard Time
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