Set Recurring Availability if you want the service to only be available on certain days of the week during certain times (for example: Mondays - Fridays, 9 AM - 12 PM)
How to: Set Recurring Availability on a Service
Login to your Online Portal
- Click Services in the side menu
- Click on the Service you wish to set Recurring Availability on
- Under the Availability Tab, select the Recurring Availability radio button
- Toggle ON for Available Days (the days clients will be able to book this service)
- Define the recurring hours this service is available:
- Enter your From (Start) time for this service (the earliest time your clients will be able to book this service on that day)
- Example: If your location is open 7 days a week 9am-5pm, but only want to offer this service on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10am-3pm
- Enter your To (End) time for this service (the last time your clients will be able to book this service until on that day)
- Click Update
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