Your Online Booking Link is accessible in your Online Portal in the side menu:
When your clients go to your Online Booking Portal, they will land on the Login Screen
They can:
- Browse services as a Guest
- Log in
- Create an Account
- Once a client is logged in, they will land on the Services Screen, you will have access to view
- Your Loyalty Points and Tier
- Your Account information or to Log out
- Services, Classes, and Packages offered
- Select Services
- This will direct you to the service categories
- Select a Service Category
- This will direct you to the service list
- Select Service
- This will begin the booking process
- If you have Multiple Locations, the client will select a Location
- If you have 1 Location, this location will be auto-selected and the client will be directed to Selecting a Date & Time
- Select Location
- This will direct to select a staff
- The client can:
- Select a staff to book with
- Select Anyone
Select Staff
- Add-ons will appear
- Select Add-on
- Click Done
- The Calendar will appear
- Once the Calendar Appears, select a day
- The staff's availabilities will appear.
- Select Time
- The 15 minute booking timer will begin
- Optional: Special Requests section
- This section allows clients to type a message, as well as apply photos. This allows Clients to be as specific as possible, describing what they wish to achieve
- Special Requests section
- This section allows clients to type a message, as well as apply photos. This allows Clients to be as specific as possible, describing what they want exactly.
- It is recommended to always attach a minimum of 2 photos: one for what they currently look like, and one for what they want to achieve.
- The client can Proceed to Confirmation or Add another service to this booking
- Proceed to Confirmation will go to the Booking Summary Screen
- Add a Service will direct to the Services list to select another service
Booking Summary Screen:
- The Summary Screen will display Client Contact Information and Service Details:
- Service, Provider, Location, Date and Time
- Price, Deposit, Client Payment Card (Saved Card or PayPal), Subtotal, Tax, Total
- The Book button will be disabled until the client accepts:
- Your Cancellation Policy (if you have one)
- The Cojilio Booking Policy
- Once a client checks I agree to both policies, the Book button will be enabled:
- Cancellation Policy Popup (when a client clicks Cancellation Policy):
- Once they click Confirm, the Deposit Popup will appear (if you have Deposit turned ON for a service)
- Click Confirm to confirm your booking
- They will view the Confirmation Screen (below) and receive a Confirmation Email for their booking
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